SMSC, Values and Fundamental British Values
SMSC stands for spiritual, moral, social and cultural. All schools in England must show how well their pupils develop in SMSC.
Explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect.
Recognise right and wrong; respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues; offer reasoned views.
Investigate social and moral issues; appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer and cooperate; resolve conflict; engage with the fundamental values of British democracy.
Appreciate cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain's parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.
Click HERE to find out the ways we promote SMSC at Capel Manor.
Values Based Education Quality Mark - 2019
Capel Manor has been awarded the Values-Based educations Quality Mark for the second time.
Here are some of the lovely comments that Sue Webb, our Values-based Education consultant and accreditor, made:
“Capel Manor feels like a very happy school, both inside and outside, and the message that ‘we all belong to the Capel family’ came across very strongly throughout the day. The school feels warm, welcoming and well organised.”
“ Without exception, I observed staff as role models of values and a unity amongst the whole school community for values at Capel Manor.”
“You have so much wonderful practice to share with other schools.”
Capel Manor Primary School supports the emotional and social development of every pupil through Values Education. As a school community, we believe the vision and mission of the school should be based on a foundation of core values which are taught explicitly in lessons and through our weekly whole-school assembly. They are also, however, embedded into every aspect of school life. Our values are at the root of everything we do!
We have 12 core values: Teamwork, Respect, Resilience, Ambition, Creativity, Kindness, Honesty, Responsibility, Tolerance & Understanding, Friendship, Trust & Happiness!
Our values were chosen by the whole school community.
These values are introduced and revisited on a two yearly cycle - six in the first year and six in the second year.
Click HERE to look at cycle one's Values Progression Map.
Click HERE to look at cycle two's Values Progression Map.
Values guide our thoughts, show us how everybody behaves here at Capel Manor and let us know what is important in life.
Our values are at the root of everything we do!
This half-term's value is...
Thank you to Mrs Green and year 1 for our lovely display!
"The values are the best thing at our school." - Dean
Kindness Workshop 2022 - click to find out more
Friendship Workshop - Friday 17th November 2023 -
Watch this space for photos!
Our Values Champions!
Huge congratulations to Stephen, Annelil, Jodi & Harley
our very worthy Values Champions 2024!
Every year, two children from each year 6 are chosen to be our "Values Champions". These children have consistently demonstrated all of the school values throughout their time at Capel Manor. The winners receive a Values Champion Trophy and their name is written in gold on the Capel Manor Honours Board so that they will never be forgotten.
Our Values Mural!
We worked with the wonderful Nat and Richard from LoveArtForSchools to create our very own Values Mural. Each class worked on a different value and every child in the school contributed one piece of art to the final product. We think the mural represents our school perfectly - dynamic, friendly, full of energy and fun. It has a golden thread through it which reminds us of how all of the values are linked together. Thank you very much to Nat & Richard and to our very generous PTA who donated the funds for our mural. We love it! You will find our Values Mural just outside Year 2 on the big playground.
Reflection Time
After every assembly, we have reflection time. This is when we are still on the inside and still on the outside. Years 2 and 6 worked with Nat & Richard to create two beautiful pieces of art to remind us of reflection time. They are peaceful images with all of the major religious symbols represented alongside words that reflect our behaviours at Capel Manor and in our lives.
Thank You Assembly!
Every week we have our "Thank You" Assembly. This is when we thank children from every class for demonstrating our school values that week. They get a certificate, their photo goes on our display and their name gets put in the school newsletter.
Well done to Josh, Kheira, Tamera, Melissa, Leo, Reign, Melisa, Demi, Tony, Eren, Michal, Zelal, Oyku, Jiyan & Amber from Key Stage 2 classes who demonstrated the values of Ambition, Creativity, Resilience, Responsibility & Teamwork and were awarded Thank You certificates on 20th September 2023!
Fundamental British Values
The DfE have reinforced the need to “create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”
The government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy, and these values have been reiterated by the Prime Minister.
At Capel Manor, these values are reinforced regularly and in many ways.
Click HERE to find out how we promote Fundamental British Values at Capel Manor.
Understanding Democracy
At Capel Manor, we understand democracy. Joan Ryan, our former local MP, visited our school and told us about her main roles as an MP for North Enfield. It was a very interesting and inspirational day for the children.
Democracy in Action
Voting for the Junior Leadership Team (JLT)
In September 2023, we voted for our Junior Leadership Team. Everybody was allowed to put themselves forward for the election. We showed the value of tolerance & understanding. It was great fun!
Here is our JLT.
If you would like to join our Values Working Party, please speak to Mr Ioannou.