Our Schools' Partnership 


As a self-improving school that is constantly striving to provide the very best for our children, we are always looking at ways of improving outcomes for all pupils.
We do this by being ambitious, reflective and outward looking. Did you know that we have 2 local partnerships with lots of local schools? Additionally, we are part of a national collaboration, focused on continual improvement.  

We partner with:

  • ELC – The Excellence in Learning Community (15 local school working together and sharing good practice to improve the life chances of Enfield children).
  • ETSP – The Enfield Town Schools Partnership. Visit their website ETSP.london.org to find out more.
  • Challenge Partners – a nationwide organisation offering support and challenge to schools to facilitate continuous school improvement - https://www.challengepartners.org
  • NTP - National Tutoring Programme. Here's our certificate to show our hard work and dedication.  

ETSP Poetry Festival 2018 

During the Festival, children from 21 ETSP schools interpreted their ideas on the theme of ‘Global Citizenship’ to compose their own poems to read aloud, perform to partnership schools and publish in a book. 

Follow this link to see an overview on pupil impact.

ETSP 'We Before Me' Interlinking Project

At Capel Manor we are always excited about new opportunities to link the learning to  our community. We are proud to say some of our year 5 and year 6 children, led by Mrs Ajayi, are using their skills and expertise to help connect the older and younger people in our community.  Our school is connected with Bullsmoor Lodge Care Home and this means that the children get to have interactions with the residents of the Home in the form of activities such as: planting flowers, singing, painting etc.

Follow the link to find more information about this amazing project: ‘We Before Me’

Activity 1

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