

Reading and Writing at Capel Manor Primary School

We teach reading and writing each day at Capel Manor, not just in our Literacy and Reading sessions but also in other subjects across the curriculum. This is because we know that being able to read and write is essential for providing part of a toolkit for a successful life.

World Book Day 2021, 4th March

Can you guess the mistery reader in this short video?

Here are some activities to do at home:

Email your child's pictures to to showcase them on the school website!

Poetry Competition Winners 2018

Poetry Festival 2018 

During the Festival, children from 21 ETSP schools interpreted their ideas on the theme of ‘Global Citizenship’ to compose their own poems to read aloud, perform to partnership schools and publish in a book. 

Follow this link to find out more.


In year 1, children participate in ‘Daily Supported Reading’ sessions (often referred to as DSR). This is an intensive, highly-structured reading program which enables all children to work in small focussed groups, with an adult, for 4 half hour sessions each week.

In Years 2-6, children take part in 30 minute sessions of ‘Guided Reading’ each morning from 9-9.30am. During these sessions, children will complete activities which build on skills such as word reading, inference, identifying features of texts and making links between texts, amongst other objectives. They will also have the opportunity to read with their teacher as part of a small group.


‘Sounding-out’ and decoding words is known as ‘Phonics’ and is taught daily in Reception and KS1. Phonics is an important strategy that children need in order to read and spell words. Some children in KS2 will continue to work on phonics skills if it is assessed that they need to secure their phonics understanding.

Click here to see how we teach the Little Wandle scheme at Capel Manor. 

You can use these links to help children with their Phonics: - Games - Information for parents and games

Phonics Workshop for New Reception Parents

 Year 1 Phonics Screening Check Workshop

In June, all of our children in Year 1 must take a Phonics Screening Check. To give our Year 1 parents a better understanding of this check, Miss Moran recently led a fantastic workshop. Click HERE to check it out. We had so many parents turn up. 


Children in Y2 – Y6 follow the ‘Read, Write Inc.’ scheme to learn new spelling patterns. Spelling is taught daily in 15-20 minute sessions.

 Reading for Pleasure

All children will take home a ‘banded book’ pitched to their reading ability however we actively encourage children to also select books and texts that interest them. The book banded books will be changed at least once a week. Children also have weekly access to our extremely well resourced library where they are free to make their own choices which are changed weekly. We promote newspapers, poetry, comics and picture books (amongst other genres!) as valid reading options. Our Book Week, Poetry Week, Shakespeare Week, author visits and Book Fairs give children the opportunity to be exposed to different types of reading.



 In KS1 children practice handwriting daily whereas children in KS2 practice 2-3 times a week, but for longer sessions. We follow the Nelson Handwriting scheme.


Our daily literacy lessons are based around high quality texts which link, where possible, to our learning in other subjects. The rules of grammar are taught within the context of the unit and we ensure there are plenty of opportunities for speaking, listening and drama.

Capel Manor Primary Literacy Map Y1-6

Grammar Progression Y1-6

Reading and Writing Progression Y1-6

Spelling Progression Y1-6

Spoken Language Y1-6 

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